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"Unarchiver" BOMArchiveHelper more designed to handle much more
dovnload.co.uk Editor: Unarchiver instead for the much more clever than "BOMArchiveHelper.app", Mac OS X's built-in Unarchiver program is designed for UNPACKER and handled much more better than BOMArchiveHelper Finder to match the design. In addition, foreign character sets, created with non-English versions of other operating systems can handle filenames. I personally find useful for opening Japanese archives, but only addressed the need in many other languages.

Very easy to use and install - or into the Applications folder, where you simply copy and then using preferences set to open archive filetypes. That can be done in the normal way or double-clicking the icon to show Unarchiver preferences.

Supported formats include Zip, Tar-GZip, Tar-Bzip2, RAR, 7-Zip, LHA, including StuffIt and many other more or less obscure formats. Multi-format support is obtained by using libxad unarchiving library.

Support in more formats than I remember. Zip, TAR, GZIP, BZIP2, 7-Zip, RAR, LHA, StuffIt, a few old Amiga file and disk archives, CAB, LZX, even I do not know what stuff.
Copy Finder file copying / moving / deleting it to interface with the interface.
Mozilla automatically archived files in the character encoding autodetection code detection kit uses.
Such as support for certain forms split RAR archives.
Built around libxad (http://sourceforge.net/projects/libxad/). Opening This archive is a library for processing an old Amiga. It supports a lot of formats, and added a couple more and bugfixed old code. Ben de) a higher-level Objective-C wrapper around, and that (could be useful for other projects, including Xee wrote. Now you can download free Unarchiver 2.0 Alpha 2/1.6.1.

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